Starter quiz

  • Which type of nouns are: 'grumpiness', 'simplicity' and 'celebration'?
    • common noun
    • proper noun
    • abstract noun  ✓
  • Match the root word to the noun formed with the suffix -ity.
    • simple
      simplicity ✓
    • generous
      generosity ✓
    • valid
      validity ✓
  • Match the words to the rule used for adding the suffix -ity.
    • real - reality
      Just add the suffix. ✓
    • curious - curiosity
      The ‘ous’ changes to ‘os’ before the suffix is added. ✓
    • active - activity
      Remove the ‘e’, then add the suffix. ✓
    • able - ability
      Lose the ‘le’, then add -ility. ✓
  • Write the new word created by adding the suffix -ity to valid.
    • 'validity' ✓
  • Write the new word created by adding the suffix -ity to generous.
    • 'generosity' ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. This is the akchal football they played with in the match on TV.
    • 'actual' ✓