Starter quiz

  • Match each word to the representation of the 'sh' sound it contains.
    • shop
      sh ✓
    • portion
      ti ✓
    • special
      ci ✓
  • The -cial spelling of /shul/ is usually used if the letter before the /shul/ ending is a ...
    • consonant.
    • vowel.  ✓
    • double letter.
  • The -tial spelling of /shul/ is usually used if the letter before the /shul/ ending is a ...
    • consonant.  ✓
    • vowel.
    • double letter.
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'My birthday is a speshul day.'
    • spetial
    • speshul
    • special  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'This letter is conffidenshul because nobody else can read it.'
    • confidenshul
    • confidensial
    • confidencial
    • confidential  ✓
  • Write the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'Fish can breev under water.'
    • 'breathe' ✓