Starter quiz

  • Which version of this sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • In addition pandas' black fur, helps them camouflage in the shade.
    • In addition, pandas' black fur helps them camouflage in the shade.  ✓
    • In addition pandas' black fur helps them camouflage, in the shade.
  • Which fronted adverbial could join these two sentences? Pandas have sharp canines. They rarely use them.
    • but
    • However,  ✓
    • In addition,
    • Because of this,
  • What punctuation could be added to this sentence? The giant panda a large bear has powerful jaw muscles.
    • a full stop
    • a pair of commas  ✓
    • a single comma
    • a pair of brackets  ✓
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction could be added to join these two sentences? Pandas must eat lots of bamboo. They will not have enough energy to survive.
    • and
    • or  ✓
    • but
  • Which passage has poor text cohesion?
    • Pandas have strong jaws so that they can chew for hours.
    • Pandas have strong jaws. As a result, they can chew for hours.
    • Pandas have strong jaws. They can chew for hours.  ✓
  • Which sentence uses vocabulary most appropriately for a non-chronological report?
    • Pandas have deadly, jagged teeth.
    • Pandas have smooth, wide molars.  ✓
    • Pandas' teeth are sharp as knives.