Starter quiz

  • Which of the following can be used to improve text cohesion?
    • joining separate sentences to make compound sentences  ✓
    • joining related ideas to make complex sentences  ✓
    • showing connections between ideas using fronted adverbials  ✓
    • using shorter words in your sentences
  • Which of the following is a compound sentence?
    • Although basking sharks have many teeth, they do not use them to eat.
    • Basking sharks have many teeth, but they do not use them to eat.  ✓
    • Basking sharks, which filter water for zooplankton, have many sharp teeth.
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction would best join these two sentences? 'Basking sharks reach 12m in length. They weigh up to six tonnes.'
    • but
    • as
    • and  ✓
    • or
  • Match each type of complex sentence to the example of a word that could begin its subordinate clause.
    • adverbial complex sentence
      because ✓
    • relative complex sentence
      which ✓
    • non-finite complex sentence
      reaching ✓
  • Which sentences start with a fronted adverbial?
    • Because they are caught accidentally, basking sharks are endangered.  ✓
    • Basking sharks are endangered because they are caught accidentally.
    • Amazingly, the basking shark's liver is a quarter of its whole weight.  ✓
    • The basking shark's amazing liver is a quarter of its whole weight.
  • Match the types of fronted adverbial to the examples.
    • fronted adverbial of cause
      Consequently,  ✓
    • formal fronted adverbial
      On the other hand, ✓
    • viewpoint fronted adverbial
      Interestingly,  ✓