Starter quiz

  • When we look at sources online for research, what are good signs that the source is credible?
    • The website is very colourful and engaging.
    • The website is for an organisation that is well-known and respected.  ✓
    • The information on the website matches other things you've read.  ✓
    • The website is known for its funny content.
  • You are looking for facts about pandas online. Which of these sources would you trust to give you credible information?
    • A video about funny animals with a few hundred views.
    • The website of a leading panda conservation charity.  ✓
    • The website of a well-known news organisation.  ✓
    • A video about pandas by a famous scientist.  ✓
  • Put the parts of a non-chronological report about pandas in the correct order.
    • 1
      An introduction giving general information about pandas.
    • 2
      Sections that give specific information about themes such as appearance & diet.
    • 3
      A conclusion that gives general information about the future of pandas.
  • Tick the fact about pandas that is most likely to be placed in the introduction of a non-chronological report.
    • Pandas eat up to 38 kg of bamboo each day.
    • Pandas weigh around 110 kg.
    • Pandas are well-loved all around the world.  ✓
    • Pandas only rarely eat things other than bamboo.
  • Which of the following are adaptations that help pandas survive?
    • Pandas have wide, smooth molars for crushing bamboo.  ✓
    • Pandas have black and white colouring.  ✓
    • Pandas are very popular animals.
    • Pandas live in bamboo forests.
  • Which version below is most appropriate for research notes?
    • Every panda has unique eye markings, allowing them to identify each other.
    • eye markings = unique > identify  ✓
    • Pandas have cute black eye markings, which really set them apart.