Starter quiz

  • What punctuation needs to be added to this sentence? While one parent incubates the egg the other forages at sea.
    • two commas
    • brackets
    • a full stop
    • a comma  ✓
  • Which fronted adverbial could join these two sentences? The penguin has strong flippers that help it swim. It has solid bones that help it dive deeper.
    • However,
    • Because of this,
    • In addition,  ✓
    • As a result,
  • Which versions of the sentence are correctly punctuated?
    • The penguin a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.
    • The penguin, a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.  ✓
    • The penguin (a flightless bird) is well-adapted to its habitat.  ✓
    • The penguin a flightless bird, is well-adapted to its habitat.
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction could be added to join these two sentences? The penguin will eat various sea animals. It depends heavily on krill to survive.
    • but  ✓
    • and
    • as
    • or
  • Which passages have good text cohesion?
    • One parent incubates the egg. It relies on its fat stores to survive.
    • One parent incubates the egg, relying on its fat stores to survive.  ✓
    • As one parent incubates the egg, it relies on its fat stores to survive.  ✓
  • Which sentence uses vocabulary most appropriately for a non-chronological report?
    • These penguins really know how to swim!
    • Penguins are well-adapted to swimming in the ocean.  ✓
    • Aren't penguins great at swimming?