Starter quiz

  • Match the types of cohesive device to the examples.
    • parenthesis
      Oil secretions, which waterproof the feathers, help keep them warm. ✓
    • compound sentence
      Their blubber layer insulates them and their flippers help them swim. ✓
    • complex sentence
      Because they have a blubber layer, they can stay warm. ✓
    • fronted adverbial
      Consequently, they are able to survive in the cold ocean. ✓
  • Which of these examples correctly connects these ideas? The penguins have a rough tongue. They can grip their slippery prey.
    • The penguins have a rough tongue because they can grip their slippery prey.
    • The penguins have a rough tongue so that they can grip their slippery prey.  ✓
    • The penguins have a rough tongue even though they can grip their slippery prey.
  • Which of the following could be an introductory sentence for an adaptations section of a non-chronological report?
    • Penguins have tightly-packed feathers.
    • Penguins have solid bones that help them to dive deep.
    • Penguins are well-adapted to their ocean habitat.  ✓
    • The penguins have a streamlined body.
  • Which cohesive device has been used here? The penguin has a thick, orange-brown bill. As well as this, it has pink legs and feet.
    • fronted adverbial  ✓
    • compound sentence
    • complex sentence
    • parenthesis
  • Which option below combines this information correctly to improve text cohesion? Their belly plumage is white. The feathers on their back are black.
    • Because their belly plumage is white, the feathers on their back are black.
    • While their belly plumage is white, the feathers on their back are black.  ✓
    • Their belly plumage is white. Due to this, the feathers on their back are black.
  • Which fronted adverbials could join these two ideas? The penguin is known for its yellow crest. This does not develop until later in their life.
    • As a result,
    • Interestingly,  ✓
    • In addition,
    • However,  ✓