Starter quiz

  • What is the missing word in the following sentence? A __________ is a single sound or beat in a word that contains a vowel sound.
    • prefix
    • suffix
    • syllable  ✓
    • compound word
  • What is the missing word in the following sentence? A __________ is two or more words joined together.
    • prefix
    • suffix
    • syllable
    • compound word  ✓
  • Match the words with the number of syllables they contain.
    • trap
      1 ✓
    • fiddle
      2 ✓
    • everybody
      4 ✓
  • Match the words that can be joined to make a new compound word.
    • cow
      boy ✓
    • shoe
      lace ✓
    • back
      bone ✓
    • water
      fall ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence. She came on stage but didn't say enyfing.
    • ennything
    • annything
    • anything  ✓
    • enything
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence. Andeep left his book sumwear in the hall.
    • sumwere
    • somwhere
    • sumwhere
    • somewhere  ✓