Starter quiz

  • Match the words to their meanings.
    • nonsense
      not sensible ✓
    • nonfiction
      not made up ✓
    • nonstick
      not sticky ✓
  • Match the words to their meanings.
    • disappear
      not visible ✓
    • dishonest
      not trustworthy ✓
    • disgusting
      not tasty ✓
  • Match the words to their meanings.
    • misbehave
      behave wrongly ✓
    • miscalculate
      work out the wrong answer mathematically ✓
    • misunderstand
      understand wrong ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I tried not to mispel the words.'
    • missspell
    • mispell
    • misspell  ✓
    • misspel
    • mispel
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I felt unnhapee without my friends.'
    • unhapee
    • unhapy
    • unhappy  ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I asked the teacher a queschun.'
    • kwestion
    • queschun
    • questoin
    • question  ✓