Starter quiz

  • Which of these words contain the sound 'ure'?
    • pure  ✓
    • her
    • sure  ✓
    • term
  • Select the nouns from this sentence: 'I looked at the large picture on the wall.'
    • looked
    • at
    • large
    • picture  ✓
    • wall  ✓
  • Match these words to the suffix they contain.
    • closed
      -ed ✓
    • closing
      -ing ✓
    • closely
      -ly ✓
  • Select all the words containing the suffix -er.
    • green
    • richer  ✓
    • term
    • watcher  ✓
    • perm
  • What tense is this sentence in? 'The cat caught the mouse.'
    • past  ✓
    • present
    • future
  • What tense is this sentence in? 'The cat is trying to catch the mouse.'
    • past
    • present  ✓
    • future