Starter quiz

  • Match the groups of words with the ways the apostrophe has been used.
    • for contraction
      It's a long way! ✓
    • for singular possession
      We took Alex's mum shopping.  ✓
    • for plural possession
      The boys' shoes were covered in mud.  ✓
  • Which sentence is missing an apostrophe for contraction?
    • The polar bear rubbed its head against the bars.
    • Its a difficult situation, but we need to do more.  ✓
    • The laptop wasn't working so I removed its battery.
  • Which sentence should contain an apostrophe for singular possession?
    • We took turns playing with the basketball.
    • Sams dad offered us a lift to the match.  ✓
    • Bikes are getting very expensive.
  • Which sentence correctly uses the apostrophe for singular possession for the idea 'the suggestions belonging to the girl'?
    • The girls' suggestions were excellent.
    • The girl's suggestions were excellent.  ✓
    • The girls suggestions were excellent.
  • Which sentence correctly uses the apostrophe for singular possession for the idea 'the suggestions belonging to Lucas'?
    • We ignored Lucas's suggestions.
    • We ignored Luca's suggestions.
    • We ignored Lucas' suggestions.  ✓
  • Which sentence correctly uses the apostrophe for plural possession for the idea 'the suggestions belonging to the boys'?
    • I was impressed by the boys' suggestions.  ✓
    • I was impressed by the boys's suggestions.
    • I was impressed by the boy's suggestions.