Starter quiz

  • What piece of punctuation can be used to introduce a list, a question or an explanation?
    • a comma
    • a full stop
    • a colon  ✓
    • a question mark
  • Which sentence uses a colon to introduce a list correctly?
    • We had several lessons this morning: maths, English, spelling and handwriting.  ✓
    • The lessons we had this morning were: maths, English, spelling and handwriting.
    • We had many lessons this morning, including: maths, English and spelling.
  • Which sentence uses a colon correctly to introduce a question?
    • We crept deeper into the cave: shivering with fear, would we make it out alive?
    • We crept deeper into the cave, shivering with fear, would we make it out alive?
    • We crept deeper into the cave, shivering with fear: would we make it out alive?  ✓
  • Which of these sentences contain an explanation following the colon?
    • Mr Martinez was furious: his face was bright red.
    • Mr Martinez was furious: someone had drunk his coffee.  ✓
    • The man smiled: he rarely did.
    • The man smiled: he had seen an old friend.  ✓
  • Which of these explanation sentences is correctly punctuated?
    • If you must go into town, take this shopping list: I need a few things.  ✓
    • If you must go into town: take this shopping list, I need a few things.
    • If you must go into town, take this shopping list, I need: a few things.
  • Which of the following could complete this sentence as an explanation? 'The cat pounced:'
    • it had seen a mouse on the floor.  ✓
    • it had sharp claws.
    • it leapt from the chair.
    • it wanted to catch its prey.  ✓