Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • On holiday, we went to the beach, played in the park, and stayed in a caravan.
    • On holiday, we went to the beach played in the park, and stayed in a caravan.
    • On holiday, we went to the beach, played in the park and stayed in a caravan.  ✓
  • Which sentence has the fronted adverbial correctly shown with a comma?
    • Before we could even think, the train was leaving.  ✓
    • Before we could, even think, the train was leaving.
    • Before, we could even think, the train was leaving.
  • Parenthesis can be shown using __________.
    • colons
    • brackets  ✓
    • dashes  ✓
    • commas  ✓
    • semi-colons
  • Which sentences include parenthesis?
    • The room - which was very small - was full of house plants.  ✓
    • As I woke up, I rubbed my eyes, wondering what was happening.
    • A small dog (a chihuahua, I think) was yapping at my feet.  ✓
  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • Miss O'Neill who loved teaching PE, helped us to play tennis properly.
    • Miss O'Neill, who loved teaching PE, helped us to play tennis properly.  ✓
    • I was delighted - completely and utterly delighted - to see her standing there.  ✓
    • I was delighted completely - and utterly delighted - to see her standing there.
  • Which parenthesis could fill this gap? 'We emerged - __________ - into the sunlight.'
    • blinking and rubbing our eyes  ✓
    • which is surprising
    • relieved and delighted  ✓
    • slowly and cautiously  ✓