Starter quiz

  • Which word is the subject in this sentence? 'Just then, Aisha pulled the alarm cord.'
    • just
    • Aisha  ✓
    • pulled
    • cord
  • What is the object of this sentence? 'He passed it to me.'
    • he
    • passed
    • it  ✓
    • me
  • Identify the subject, verb and object in this sentence: 'The team won the match easily.'
    • the team
      subject ✓
    • won
      verb ✓
    • the match
      object ✓
  • What would be the passive version of this active sentence? 'The artist is drawing a picture.'
    • A picture drew the artist.
    • A picture was drawn by the artist.
    • A picture is being drawn by the artist.  ✓
    • A picture was being drawn by the artist.
  • What would be the active version of this sentence? 'An announcement was made by the headteacher.'
    • The headteacher was making an announcement.
    • The headteacher made an announcement.  ✓
    • The headteacher is making an announcement.
    • An announcement made the headteacher.
  • Tick the passive voice sentences.
    • A solution was found.  ✓
    • We found a solution.
    • The consequence was given.  ✓
    • They gave us a consequence.