Starter quiz

  • Which of these are subordinate clauses?
    • whose face was covered in bites  ✓
    • he was in a great deal of pain
    • after he had trudged off into the jungle  ✓
    • gripping tightly to his trusty walking stick  ✓
  • Which words in this complex sentence are subordinating conjunctions? 'As the fog cleared, we gasped in astonishment because we saw we were in a beautiful place.'
    • as  ✓
    • in
    • because  ✓
    • were
  • Which of these complex sentences need a comma after a fronted adverbial clause?
    • We all cheered when we won the competition.
    • When we won the competition we all cheered.  ✓
    • Once it was all over we felt ready to collapse.  ✓
    • We felt ready to collapse once it was all over.
  • Match the type of word to the type of subordinate clause it starts.
    • subordinating conjunction
      adverbial clause ✓
    • relative pronoun
      relative clause ✓
    • -ing form of verb
      non-finite (-ing) clause ✓
  • Which of these sentences contain a relative clause?
    • The woman that I knew was no longer there.  ✓
    • We all knew that it was wrong.
    • I was shocked when it happened.
    • The moment when he fell over was hilarious.  ✓
  • What are the subordinate clauses in this sentence? 'Before I realised what was happening, she had jumped up on her chair, which was tilting dangerously.'
    • before I realised what was happening  ✓
    • she had jumped up on her chair
    • which was tilting dangerously  ✓