Starter quiz

  • Where does a fronted adverbial come in a sentence?
    • at the start  ✓
    • in the middle
    • at the end
  • What piece of punctuation always follows a fronted adverbial?
    • a full stop
    • a comma  ✓
    • an apostrophe
    • inverted commas
  • After which word should the comma be placed in this sentence? Full of sadness she wiped away a tear.
    • full
    • she
    • sadness  ✓
    • away
  • Which of the following are fronted adverbials of manner?
    • Cautiously,  ✓
    • With a smile,  ✓
    • Just then,
    • To my left,
    • Full of joy,  ✓
  • Which of the following fronted adverbials are phrases?
    • Just as the sun set,
    • At sunset,  ✓
    • At 8pm,  ✓
    • When the sun set,
  • Which is the most appropriate fronted adverbial to complete this sentence? __________ you will find everything you ever wanted.
    • Full of fear,
    • There,  ✓
    • Just then,
    • With a sigh,