Starter quiz

  • What makes a clause different from a phrase?
    • It is more than one word.
    • It is a group of words.
    • It contains a verb.  ✓
  • Which word tells us that this is a clause? 'as the sun rose'
    • as
    • the
    • sun
    • rose  ✓
  • What is the noun phrase in this sentence? 'We stopped because of the snow.'
    • we stopped
    • because of
    • the snow  ✓
  • What is the preposition in this sentence? 'We're waiting in the corridor.'
    • We're waiting
    • in  ✓
    • the corridor
  • Which of the following is a preposition phrase that could complete this sentence? Sam has attended our school __________.
    • since 2019.  ✓
    • since she was 7.
    • for the whole time she's been old enough.
  • Match each preposition phrase to the type of preposition used.
    • in the garden
      preposition of place ✓
    • because of the weather
      preposition of cause ✓
    • for 11 minutes
      preposition of time ✓