Starter quiz

  • What language feature is seen in the following sentence? 'As the fire blazes, Holmes puts down his violin.'
    • complex sentence  ✓
    • fronted adverbial of place
    • semi-colon
    • rhetorical question
  • A semi-colon can be used to ...
    • join two closely-related sentences.  ✓
    • join a main clause and a subordinate clause.
    • separate a fronted adverbial from the rest of a sentence.
  • After which word could the semi-colon be placed in the following sentence? 'Holmes sat by his desk Watson was in an armchair close to the roaring fire.'
    • sat
    • desk  ✓
    • armchair
    • was
  • Which of these sentences could be joined by a semi-colon?
    • Holmes takes a seat at his desk.  ✓
    • The sound of a violin issues from within the house.
    • Watson takes a sip from his drink.  ✓
    • There is thick smog above the city.
  • What features are seen in the following sentence? 'On the street, the cobbles shine in the light of the gas lamp; from inside, the sound of a violin can be heard.'
    • fronted adverbials of place  ✓
    • historical context  ✓
    • complex sentence
    • semi-colon  ✓
  • Which of these sentences could include a semi-colon?
    • On the desk there was a pile of leather-bound books.
    • On the desk there was a pile of books on the wall a clock ticked.  ✓
    • On the desk there was a pile of books that were leather-bound.