Starter quiz

  • Put these events from the journalistic report about 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' in order.
    • 1
      Sir Charles Baskerville dies with a terrified expression on his face.
    • 2
      The prints of a huge dog are found around the body.
    • 3
      Rumours spread that the Hound of the Baskervilles killed Sir Charles.
    • 4
      Sir Henry Baskerville returns to Baskerville Hall to take charge.
  • Match the words to their definitions.
    • heir
      the person who inherits your money or title when you die ✓
    • superstition
      a belief in something supernatural ✓
    • ancestors
      the family who came before you ✓
    • demonic
      very evil or unpleasant ✓
  • Which statements about the story of 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' are true?
    • Sir Henry Baskerville inherited Baskerville Hall.  ✓
    • Sir Charles' body was covered in injuries.
    • Sir Charles died with a smile on his face.
    • The events happen on Dartmoor in Devon.  ✓
  • Which part of a persuasive letter is most likely to contain a summary of the events that have happened?
    • introduction  ✓
    • paragraph 1
    • paragraph 2
    • conclusion
  • Why might Holmes want to investigate the death of Sir Charles Baskerville?
    • He may want to find out whether the Hound is real since the police have failed.  ✓
    • There is a risk of more attacks if the Hound is real.  ✓
    • He has a close relationship to Sir Henry Baskerville.
    • The local community is very upset by the events.  ✓
  • What signs were there that Sir Charles' death might not be natural?
    • prints around the body  ✓
    • wounds on the body
    • the look on his face  ✓
    • a howl was heard  ✓