Starter quiz

  • Which cohesive device has been used here? 'The police have been hopeless: they have hardly done any investigation at all.'
    • relative complex sentence
    • semi-colon
    • compound sentence
    • colon to explain  ✓
  • Which cohesive device has been used here? 'I know you will be more helpful because you have skills that the police do not.'
    • relative complex sentence
    • adverbial complex sentence  ✓
    • compound sentence
    • colon to explain
  • Which cohesive devices could be used to connect these two ideas? 'I was hoping the police would be helpful. They have not been of any use.'
    • the co-ordinating conjunction 'but'  ✓
    • the fronted adverbial 'however' following a semi-colon  ✓
    • the subordinating conjunction 'as'
    • the fronted adverbial 'in addition' following a semi-colon
  • Which example joins these ideas correctly? 'I am desperate for your help. I am completely desperate.'
    • I am desperate completely desperate for your help.
    • I am desperate - completely desperate - for your help.  ✓
    • I am desperate (I am completely desperate) for your help.
  • Which example uses a colon to explain correctly?
    • I am furious: they have been completely useless.  ✓
    • I am furious they have: been completely useless.
    • I am furious they have been: completely useless.
  • Which two persuasive techniques are used here? 'I know that you will have already thought of a solution: your incredible powers of investigation are unmatched.'
    • rhetorical question
    • presumption  ✓
    • flattery  ✓
    • veiled threat