Starter quiz

  • Match the keywords to the examples.
    • presumption
      I can already see your mind racing! ✓
    • rhetorical question
      Who else but you could solve this? ✓
    • flattery
      Your brilliant mind will solve this in moments! ✓
    • veiled threat
      It would be a pity if our suffering had to continue. ✓
  • Which adjectives could complete the following expanded noun phrase? 'With your __________ brain-power, I'm sure you will solve this puzzle in minutes.'
    • remarkable  ✓
    • ground-breaking
    • superior  ✓
    • extraordinary  ✓
  • Which of the below is an example of a veiled threat?
    • I am so glad that you are considering the matter.
    • Who else could possibly resolve this question?
    • I am sure your meticulous methods would succeed where the police have failed.
    • I am afraid that if you do not help, the situation will deteriorate further.  ✓
  • Which of the below is an example of a rhetorical question?
    • I am so glad that you are considering the matter.
    • Who else could possibly resolve this question?  ✓
    • I am afraid that if you do not help the situation will deteriorate further.
    • Will you commit to helping us with this case?
  • When we use flattery, how are we aiming for the reader to feel?
    • excited
    • fearful
    • valued  ✓
    • guilty
  • Which of the following is not an example of presumption?
    • I can't wait to hear from you.
    • I am certain you will be able to provide us with the solution.
    • I would very much like to hear from you.  ✓
    • I can already sense your excitement about this puzzle.