Starter quiz

  • Which two of the following words are nouns?
    • beautiful
    • hill  ✓
    • boots  ✓
    • heavy
  • Which two of the following words are adjectives?
    • boggy  ✓
    • dark  ✓
    • bog
    • darkness
  • Which two of the following are expanded noun phrases?
    • ran quickly
    • a small, blue tent  ✓
    • cautiously waited
    • the long, steep hill  ✓
  • Co-ordinating conjunctions join together two main clauses in a compound sentence. Which three of the following are co-ordinating conjunctions?
    • because
    • but  ✓
    • or  ✓
    • and  ✓
    • when
  • Where is the top of a comma placed when we are writing on lines?
    • below the line
    • on the line  ✓
    • just above the line
    • high above the line
  • Which word in this adverbial complex sentence is the subordinating conjunction? 'We all cheered when we were given extra playtime.'
    • we
    • cheered
    • when  ✓
    • were