Starter quiz

  • Which two of the following are relative pronouns that can start a relative clause?
    • as
    • and
    • who  ✓
    • when
    • which  ✓
  • A relative clause is a type of __________, so it does not make sense on its own.
    • main clause
    • simple sentence
    • subordinate clause  ✓
    • relative pronoun
  • Match the type of clause to its meaning.
    • main clause
      a clause that makes sense on its own ✓
    • adverbial clause
      a clause that begins with a subordinating conjunction ✓
    • relative clause
      a clause that begins with a relative pronoun ✓
  • Which three of the following would be found in a relative complex sentence?
    • adverbial clause
    • relative clause  ✓
    • subordinating conjunction
    • relative pronoun  ✓
    • main clause  ✓
  • Identify the main clause in the sentence. 'Jun, who was hungry, went to the shops to buy food.'
    • who was hungry
    • Jun went to the shops
    • Jun who was hungry
    • Jun went to the shops to buy food  ✓
  • 'Aisha rushed to school. She was late.' Which version shows correctly how these two ideas could be combined into a relative complex sentence?
    • Aisha, who rushed to school, she was late.
    • Aisha, who was late, rushed to school.  ✓
    • Aisha, who was late, she rushed to school.