Starter quiz

  • Which of these pieces of punctuation can be used to add parenthesis to a sentence?
    • dashes  ✓
    • full stops
    • apostrophes
    • brackets  ✓
  • Which of these sentences uses dashes correctly to add parenthesis?
    • The eagle swooped - fast as lightning - towards its innocent prey.  ✓
    • The eagle - swooped fast as lightning - towards its innocent prey.
    • The eagle swooped fast - as lightning - towards its innocent prey.
  • Which words in this sentence could be placed between dashes to show parenthesis? 'A siren loud as thunder woke us in an instant.'
    • a siren
    • loud as thunder  ✓
    • a siren woke us in an instant
  • Which words in this sentence could be placed between dashes to show parenthesis? 'The cave dark and vast and empty echoed with the sound of our whispers.'
    • the cave echoed with the sound of our whispers
    • dark and vast and empty  ✓
    • the cave echoed
  • Which of these sentences creates the most intense effect of sadness for the reader?
    • The child sat down and cried.
    • The child - in jeans and a t-shirt - sat down and cried.
    • The child - alone and abandoned in the empty playground - sat down and cried.  ✓
  • Which of these pieces of parenthesis could be added to this sentence to create an effect of fear? 'The forest surrounded them on all sides.'
    • dark and endless  ✓
    • bright as the midday sun
    • a glorious expanse of greenery