Starter quiz

  • Match the word class to its definition.
    • verb
      doing, being or having word ✓
    • adjective
      describes a noun ✓
    • noun
      a naming word of a person, place or thing ✓
    • adverb
      a word that describes or gives more information about a verb ✓
  • Which word class is the word in bold in the following sentence? I climbed a colossal beanstalk.
    • adjective  ✓
    • noun
    • verb
    • adverb
  • Match the word to the suffix it contains.
    • hopeful
      -ful ✓
    • kindness
      -ness ✓
    • equality
      -ity ✓
  • Correct the spelling in bold in the following sentence. It was their birthday, so they had a celebrashun.
    • celebrayshun
    • celebraition
    • celebration  ✓
    • celebratetion
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence. She climbed a tree to save the cat and everyone said she was a herow.
    • heroe
    • hearo
    • hero  ✓
    • heero
  • Which suffixes create verbs when added to the end of a root word?
    • -en  ✓
    • -ate  ✓
    • -tion
    • -ness
    • -ify  ✓