Starter quiz

  • Which of these types of word could be a verb?
    • a being word  ✓
    • a describing word
    • a doing word  ✓
    • a having word  ✓
  • What is the function of 'tense'?
    • to show which person is doing an action
    • to show how many people are doing an action
    • to show when an action took place  ✓
  • To find the tense of a sentence, what kind of word must we look at?
    • adjectives
    • adverbs
    • verbs  ✓
    • nouns
  • In this sentence, what kind of word is 'plays'? 'Jun plays on the football team'.
    • conjunction
    • verb  ✓
    • adverb
    • noun
  • Match each sentence to the simple tense it uses.
    • simple present
      Snow falls gently on the ground. ✓
    • simple past
      Snow fell softly on the hills. ✓
    • simple future
      Snow will fall tonight. ✓
  • Match each sentence to the simple tense it uses.
    • simple past
      As we walked, we sang joyfully. ✓
    • simple future
      My birthday, which I will celebrate well, will soon arrive. ✓
    • simple present
      I love this song, but Jacob hates it with a passion. ✓