Starter quiz

  • Which word tells us the tense of a sentence?
    • adjective
    • noun
    • verb  ✓
    • adverb
  • Which of the following sentences is written in the second person?
    • You all need to wrap up warm.  ✓
    • He has forgotten his coat.
    • They are late for the concert.
    • We've finished!
  • Which sentences are written in the simple tense?
    • You are being very cheeky today!
    • I ran to the supermarket as fast as I could.  ✓
    • They were putting the toys away.
    • The puppy is starting to grow as big as its siblings.
    • The shark stalks its prey.  ✓
  • Which sentence is written in the progressive tense?
    • I have started my homework.
    • I am starting my homework.  ✓
    • I start my homework at 5 o'clock every day.
  • Match each part of a progressive tense sentence with their job.
    • noun
      the person, place or thing that does the main verb ✓
    • auxiliary verb
      paired with the main verb and tells us the tense  ✓
    • main verb
      always ends with -ing and doesn't change when the tense does ✓
    • punctuation
      marks the beginning and end of the sentence ✓
  • Which sentence is written in the progressive future tense?
    • We were looking at the map closely.
    • They will be wondering where we are.  ✓
    • You weren't concentrating properly.
    • I am looking for the station.