Starter quiz

  • When we work out the tense a sentence is written in, we should look for the ...
    • verb.  ✓
    • adjective.
    • nouns.
    • adverb.
  • 'I finished my homework.' What tense is this sentence written in?
    • simple past tense  ✓
    • progressive past tense
    • simple future tense
    • progressive present tense
  • Identify the verb in the following sentence: 'They quietly read their books.'
    • they
    • quietly
    • read  ✓
    • their
    • books
  • Identify the auxiliary verb in the following sentence: 'They are reading their books.'
    • they
    • are  ✓
    • reading
    • their
    • books
  • Match each sentence to the correct tense.
    • Every morning, I walk my dog.
      simple present tense ✓
    • Yesterday, I went to the park.
      simple past tense ✓
    • I will bring you your lunch.
      simple future tense ✓
    • They were sleeping soundly.
      progressive past tense ✓
    • I am eating my lunch.
      progressive present tense ✓
  • What should the main verb be in the following sentence? 'I was __________ out of the window and I saw a hot air balloon.'
    • look
    • looked
    • looking  ✓
    • will look