Starter quiz

  • What could the structure of a non-chronological report be?
    • title, table of contents, glossary, index
    • beginning, middle, end
    • introduction, characters, events, conclusion
    • introduction, sections with subheadings, conclusion  ✓
  • The purpose of a section is to...
    • give the reader specific, detailed information.  ✓
    • summarise the key points of the report.
    • give the reader general information and encourage them to read on.
  • Match the linguistic feature to its definition.
    • fronted adverbial
      a sentence starter followed by a comma ✓
    • subject-specific vocabulary
      factual vocabulary used when writing about a subject ✓
    • language
      the type of words and tone used in a text ✓
  • Match the type of fronted adverbial to its example.
    • formal fronted adverbial
      As well as this, ✓
    • fronted adverbial of cause
      Consequently, ✓
    • viewpoint fronted adverbial
      Of significant interest, ✓
  • 'Diet' means...
    • where an animal lives.
    • the food an animal eats.  ✓
    • features that animals and plants develop to help them survive where they live.
  • Which of these should plans for writing include?
    • full sentences with capital letters and full stops
    • ideas written in note form  ✓
    • drawings
    • bullet points  ✓