Starter quiz

  • What is the first paragraph of a non-fiction text called?
    • introduction  ✓
    • section
    • conclusion
  • Match each section to its purpose.
    • introduction
      the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on ✓
    • sections
      paragraphs of information about an aspect of the subject ✓
    • conclusion
      the last paragraph that summarises the key information ✓
  • Subject-specific vocabulary is ...
    • vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.  ✓
    • a sentence starter followed by a comma.
    • a sentence that includes direct speech.
  • Match each type of fronted adverbial to its definition.
    • formal fronted adverbial
      a sentence starter followed by a comma that's formal in tone ✓
    • fronted adverbial of cause
      a sentence starter that gives an effect to a cause ✓
    • viewpoint fronted adverbial
      a sentence starter that gives the writer’s point of view ✓
  • Which of these fronted adverbials expresses a viewpoint?
    • In addition,
    • Despite this,
    • Consequently,
    • Intriguingly,  ✓
    • However,
  • Which order should these sentences be written in?
    • 1
      Mass deforestation is occuring in Africa.
    • 2
      As a result of this, crocodilians are facing habitat loss.
    • 3
      Furthermore, this is impacting these animals' food chains.