Starter quiz

  • What is a typical structure of a non-chronological report?
    • introduction, characters, events, conclusion
    • title, table of contents, glossary, index
    • introduction, sections with subheadings, conclusion  ✓
    • beginning, middle, end
  • Which of these is a definition for 'general information'?
    • broad, basic or commonly known facts about a subject  ✓
    • precise, detailed and narrowly focused facts about a subject
    • vague information about a subject
  • In a non-chronological report, which structural element is typically found at the beginning of the report, providing a brief overview of the topic?
    • conclusion
    • introduction  ✓
    • sections
  • Match each part of the introduction with its purpose.
    • introductory sentence
      introduces what the report will be about ✓
    • general facts
      gives the reader some necessary information about the topic ✓
    • linking sentence
      links on to the next paragraph ✓
  • Put these sentences in the correct order.
    • 1
      Tigers are fascinating mammals that belong to the Felidae family.
    • 2
      These intriguing felines are found on the continent of Asia.
    • 3
      In this report, you will learn about these cats' adaptations and diets.
  • Which one of these should not be included in a plan?
    • ideas written in note form
    • full sentences with capital letters and full stops  ✓
    • bullet points