Starter quiz

  • Which body parts are involved in the digestive process?
    • oesophagus  ✓
    • heart
    • stomach  ✓
    • intestines  ✓
    • lungs
  • Match the sentence types to the correct definitions.
    • A simple sentence is
      a sentence about one idea that make sense. ✓
    • A compound sentence is
      formed of two main clauses and a joining word. ✓
    • A complex sentence is
      formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause ✓
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct examples given.
    • coordinating conjunction
      and, or, but, yet ✓
    • subordinating conjunction
      when, because, as, after ✓
    • ordering fronted adverbial
      first, next, then, finally ✓
  • What type of subject-specific vocabulary do you need to use when writing about the human digestive system?
    • scientific vocabulary  ✓
    • historical vocabulary
    • geographical vocabulary
    • technological vocabulary
  • Which of the following features are used to structure an explanation text?
    • paragraphs  ✓
    • stanzas
    • headings and sub-headings  ✓
    • introduction and conclusion  ✓
    • chapters
  • Which of the following are examples of a complex sentence?
    • The stomach, which is the organ that stores food, expands as it fills.  ✓
    • The stomach expands as it fills.
    • Food moves down towards the stomach.
    • As the oesophagus contracts and relaxes, food moves down towards the stomach.  ✓