Starter quiz

  • How does a written plan support in writing?
    • You copy out the plan.
    • You use the notes to form full sentences.  ✓
    • You read it to remind yourself but then put it away.
  • Order the events for paragraph one of Lila's first diary entry.
    • 1
      She was learning how to make fireworks in her father's workshop.
    • 2
      She experimented with ingredients.
    • 3
      She invented her own unique firework.
  • Which of the following thoughts would Lila be likely to write when she was experimenting with fireworks?
    • It was exhilarating to watch!  ✓
    • I couldn't believe my ears.
    • I felt SO proud of myself.  ✓
    • I was so deflated.
  • Order the events for paragraph two of Lila's first diary entry.
    • 1
      Lila's father told her there were many things she didn't know about fireworks.
    • 2
      Lila told her father that it was her dream to be a firework-maker.
    • 3
      Lila's father told her that she should focus on finding a husband instead.
  • Which of the following thoughts would Lila be likely to write after her father told her she could not be a firework-maker?
    • I didn't understand why he wouldn't tell me the secret.  ✓
    • I felt so accepted and understood by my dad.
    • My heart shattered into a million pieces.  ✓
    • I was so excited.
  • Why are fronted adverbials of time a key linguistic feature in diary entries?
    • They make it more interesting to read.
    • They show the chronology of events.  ✓
    • They show the manner in which an action was done.