Starter quiz

  • What is 'show and tell'?
    • explicitly stating how a character is feeling
    • asking a rhetorical question
    • conveying a character's feelings through sensory details, thoughts and actions  ✓
  • Match the emotion to the appropriate 'show and tell' language.
    • frustrated
      gave an exasperated sigh ✓
    • determined
      she powered on ✓
    • shocked
      heart pounded ✓
  • Match the emotion to the appropriate 'show and tell' language.
    • exhausted
      trudged along ✓
    • agony
      cried out for help ✓
    • excitement
      "I actually made it!" ✓
  • What is the purpose of the build-up of a story?
    • to introduce the character and setting
    • to move the main character's journey forward and build suspense  ✓
    • to resolve the problem in the story
  • What is a plan?
    • a final piece of written work
    • a framework that writers create before they write  ✓
    • a writer's first ideas about their writing
  • True or false? A plan should be written in full sentences.
    • True
    • False ✓