Starter quiz

  • What is a plan?
    • a written paragraph
    • a final piece of writing
    • a framework that writers create before they write  ✓
    • a writer's initial ideas
  • How do you organise notes in a plan for a narrative?
    • in bullet point notes  ✓
    • in full sentences
    • in chronological order  ✓
    • in paragraphs
  • Put these events from the climax in the correct order.
    • 1
      Razvani was furious and mocked Lila for coming empty handed.
    • 2
      Razvani instructed Lila to enter the flames anyway and she did.
    • 3
      Lila couldn’t cope with the agonising heat.
    • 4
      Then Chulak arrived, she drank the magical water and survived the flames.
  • Match the word class to its definition.
    • adjective
      a word that describes a noun ✓
    • verb
      a doing or being word ✓
    • adverb
      a word that describes a verb ✓
  • What is speech?
    • the thoughts someone has
    • the communication of someone's thoughts through words  ✓
    • the thoughts people people write down
  • True or false? The only way to report a person's speech is to use the word 'said'.
    • True
    • False ✓