Starter quiz

  • What is direct speech written within a story?
    • the thoughts a character has
    • the exact words a character says  ✓
    • the actions a character takes
  • Who does Lila have a conversation with in the second half of the climax?
    • Razvani  ✓
    • the fireflies
    • her father
  • True or false? Lila and Razvani speak to one another in the same way.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which types of word do we use to describe how a character spoke?
    • verbs  ✓
    • adjectives
    • nouns
    • adverbs  ✓
  • Which of the following verb and adverb pairs would you use to describe how Razvani speaks?
    • politely requested
    • mockingly asked  ✓
    • fiercely roared  ✓
    • nervously muttered
  • Which of the following verb and adverb pairs would you use to describe how Lila speaks?
    • quietly stuttered  ✓
    • anxiously pleaded  ✓
    • confidently stated
    • happily replied