Starter quiz

  • Match the terms to their definitions:
    • adverbial detail
      explains when, where or how something happened ✓
    • show-not-tell
      conveys characters' feelings through their actions and gestures ✓
    • compound adjective
      two hyphenated words which form one adjective ✓
    • text cohesion
      the flow of a text ✓
  • Match the terms to their definitions:
    • punctuation
      a set of standardised symbols and marks to structure sentences ✓
    • vocabulary
      language choices made by a writer ✓
    • sentence structure
      how words are arranged within sentences to convey meaning ✓
  • Select the sentence that uses apostrophes for singular possession correctly.
    • The mans' heart sank.
    • The mans heart sank.
    • The man's heart sank.  ✓
  • Select the sentence that uses apostrophes for plural possession correctly.
    • The stars light illuminated the sky.
    • The stars' light illuminated the sky.  ✓
    • The star's light illuminated the sky.
  • Match the fronted adverbial types to their examples:
    • fronted adverbial of time
      At that moment, ✓
    • fronted adverbial of place
      At the window,  ✓
    • fronted adverbial of manner
      With a sigh of relief, ✓
  • Match the subordinate clauses to their examples.
    • adverbial subordinate
      as the wind howled ✓
    • non-finite subordinate
      gazing up at the window ✓
    • relative subordinate
      who stood at the window ✓