Starter quiz

  • Match the terms to their definitions:
    • direct speech
      the term used for a person speaking out loud in a text ✓
    • speech first
      includes direct speech before the reporting clause ✓
    • speech second
      includes direct speech after the reporting clause ✓
    • reporting clause
      tells the reader who said the speech and how ✓
  • Match the terms to their definitions:
    • punctuation
      a set of standardised symbols and marks to structure sentences ✓
    • vocabulary
      language choices made by a writer ✓
    • sentence structure
      how words are arranged within sentences to convey meaning ✓
  • Match the subordinate clause types to their examples:
    • adverbial subordinate
      as her lip trembled ✓
    • non-finite subordinate
      grabbing his horse's reins ✓
    • relative subordinate
      who gazed adoringly at her love ✓
  • Match the fronted adverbial types to their examples:
    • fronted adverbial of time
      After a few seconds, ✓
    • fronted adverbial of place
      In the darkness, ✓
    • fronted adverbial of manner
      Quietly, ✓
  • Which of these are rules for how to punctuate direct speech?
    • Always include an adjective in the direct speech.
    • Start a new line for a new speaker if there is a dialogue.  ✓
    • Use inverted commas to indicate direct speech.  ✓
    • Use a capital letter at the start of any direct speech.  ✓
  • Who is speaking in this section of our narrative build-up?
    • the landlord
    • Bess  ✓
    • Tim
    • the Highwayman  ✓