Starter quiz

  • Which of these is an accurate definition of 'reciting'?
    • to read aloud a text from memory in front of an audience  ✓
    • to give a presentation in front of an audience
    • to read a text from the page in front of an audience
  • Which of these is an accurate definition of 'projecting'?
    • speaking in front of others and listening to others
    • using our voice to speak powerfully and clearly  ✓
    • pronouncing words clearly
    • how we use our posture and gestures to communicate meaning and feelings
  • 'Projecting is the same as shouting.' Is this statement true or false?
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Match the presenting skills to their definitions:
    • diction
      involves pronouncing words clearly ✓
    • body language
      how we use our posture and gestures to convey meaning ✓
    • pace
      the speed at which we speak ✓
  • Fill in the gap. When speaking with clear _________, we take our time to pronounce words carefully.
    • projection
    • pace
    • body language
    • diction  ✓
  • Fill in the gaps. Successful presenters speak at a _____,_____ pace so that everyone can hear them.
    • fast, quiet
    • slow, clear  ✓
    • slow, quiet
    • fast, clear