Starter quiz

  • What is an audience?
    • a group of people who watch or listen to a performance  ✓
    • a group of people who perform on stage
    • a group of people playing
  • What should an audience do when they are watching a presentation?
    • listen to the presentation  ✓
    • talk to their partner throughout the presentation
    • read their book during the presentation
    • look at the presenter  ✓
  • What is a narrative poem?
    • a text that informs the reader about a particular subject
    • a poem that tells a story  ✓
    • a text that informs the reader about an event
  • How would you describe the atmosphere of 'The Highwayman'?
    • tense  ✓
    • happy
    • relaxed
    • ominous  ✓
  • What helps effective public speaking?
    • speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear  ✓
    • pronouncing words correctly  ✓
    • speaking down to the page
    • eye contact  ✓
    • confident body language  ✓
  • Match the stanzas to their subjects:
    • stanza one
      the setting ✓
    • stanza two
      the Highwayman ✓
    • stanza three
      Bess ✓