Starter quiz

  • What is a narrative poem?
    • something that introduces the storyline for some main characters
    • to study something in detail to understand its meaning
    • a poem that tells a story  ✓
    • part of a poem consisting of two or more lines grouped together
  • What does the build-up of 'The Highwayman' do?
    • it introduces the storyline for some main characters  ✓
    • it means to study something in detail to understand its meaning
    • it is a poem that tells a story
    • it is part of a poem consisting of two or more lines grouped together
  • Put the events of 'The Highwayman' so far in the correct order.
    • 1
      The Highwayman rides across the moor.
    • 2
      The Highwayman arrives at the inn-yard.
    • 3
      He knocks on the window's shutters, but no-one answers.
    • 4
      He whistles a tune to the window.
    • 5
      Bess appears at the window.
    • 6
      Hiding in the stable, Tim (the jealous ostler) spies on the pair.
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definitions.
    • stable-wicket
      the door of a stable ✓
    • ostler
      a person employed to care for the horses of those staying at an inn ✓
    • plait
      a hair style ✓
    • love-knot
      a ribbon ✓
  • What is the correct definition of 'simile'?
    • it compares two things by saying that one thing is another
    • it compares two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’  ✓
    • it is when word endings sound the same
    • it is a word that sounds like the sound it is describing
  • Which of these is an example of a simile?
    • the road was a ribbon of moonlight
    • clashing and clattering into the old inn-yard
    • his hair was like mouldy hay  ✓
    • riding - riding - riding