Starter quiz

  • Match the words to their definitions:
    • narrative poem
      a poem that tells a story ✓
    • build-up
      introduces the storyline for some main characters and builds tension ✓
    • stanza
      a part of a poem consisting of two or more lines grouped together ✓
    • analyse
      to study something in detail to understand its meaning ✓
  • Match the stanzas with their topics:
    • stanza one
      the setting ✓
    • stanza two
      the Highwayman ✓
    • stanza three
      Bess ✓
    • stanza four
      Tim ✓
    • stanza five
      the Highwayman speaking to Bess ✓
    • stanza six
      the Highwayman leaving ✓
  • Why does stanza five include inverted commas?
    • because the stanza includes adjectives
    • because the stanza includes commas
    • because the stanza includes speech  ✓
  • Order the lines of stanza five:
    • 1
      “One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I’m after a prize tonight,
    • 2
      But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
    • 3
      Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
    • 4
      Then look for me by moonlight,
    • 5
      Watch for me by moonlight,
    • 6
      I’ll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way.”
  • "One kiss, my __________ sweetheart" - which adjective does the Highwayman use to describe Bess here?
    • red-lipped
    • hollow-eyed
    • bonny  ✓
  • "Then look for me by moonlight, watch for me by moonlight, I’ll come to thee by moonlight" is an example of which poetic device?
    • metaphor
    • simile
    • personification
    • repetition  ✓
    • rhyme