Starter quiz

  • What are the purposes of a build-up?
    • to describe the setting
    • to introduce storylines for main characters  ✓
    • to give clues about what may happen next in the story  ✓
    • to introduce a problem that may need solving  ✓
    • to describe how a problem is resolved
  • Which of these symbols is a hyphen?
    • !
    • '
    • ?
    • -  ✓
    • ...
  • Match the terms to their definitions.
    • show-not-tell
      when writers show characters’ feelings by describing their actions ✓
    • compound adjective
      two words joined using a hyphen to form one adjective ✓
    • hyphen
      a punctuation mark that can be used to form compound adjectives ✓
  • A hyphen can be used for which of the following functions?
    • to separate clauses in a sentence
    • to form a compound adjective  ✓
    • to mark the end of a sentence
  • Which of these sentences uses a hyphenated compound adjective correctly?
    • The stars twinkled in the ink-black sky,  ✓
    • The stars-twinkled in the ink black sky.
    • The stars twinkled in the ink black-sky.
  • Select the examples of show-not-tell from the list.
    • He frowned as the seconds ticked past.  ✓
    • Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.  ✓
    • She felt sheer joy wash over her.
    • His stomach lurched as he tapped the boarded-up windows.  ✓
    • She appeared at the window.