Starter quiz

  • What does writing in the 'first person' mean?
    • writing about things that are going to happen
    • writing from the perspective of the person involved  ✓
    • writing about yourself and calling yourself by your name
  • What are features of something?
    • the words used in a book
    • the parts or characteristics that make something unique  ✓
    • the images in a text
  • What is a diary?
    • a fictional tale involving magical creatures
    • a private book where someone records their personal experiences and feelings  ✓
    • a non-fiction text providing information to others
  • Which of these words might a writer use when writing in the first person?
    • you
    • I  ✓
    • my  ✓
    • it
    • they
  • A diary greeting normally starts with which word?
    • Goodbye
    • Hello
    • Dear  ✓
    • Be
  • What does chronological order mean?
    • in order of importance
    • in alphabetical order
    • in order of time  ✓