Starter quiz

  • What is an author?
    • a person who creates food recipes
    • a person who writes stories or other texts  ✓
    • a person who writes music
  • What is a character?
    • a person or animal in a story that action happens to  ✓
    • where the story takes place
    • the person who writes the story
  • What is an illustration?
    • the text on the back of the book
    • the words inside the book
    • a picture or image in a book  ✓
  • What is a narrative?
    • a written version of a play
    • writing that tells a story  ✓
    • writing that always gives true information
  • What is a setting?
    • the people or animals in the story
    • where the author wrote the story
    • where the story takes place  ✓
  • Complete this sentence: The person who draws the pictures in a book is called the ...
    • 'illustrator' ✓