Starter quiz

  • Walter de la Mare is an English poet. His poetry often explores themes of...
    • war and politics.
    • imagination and fantasy.  ✓
    • love and romance.
  • Select the most accurate summary of 'The Listeners' by Walter de la Mare.
    • a traveller arrives, by carriage, to a mysterious building in the mountains
    • a traveller arrives, by truck, to a mysterious building in the city
    • a traveller arrives, by horse, to a mysterious building in the forest  ✓
  • Is the following statement True or False? 'By asking questions about a poet, readers can deepen their understanding and engagement with a poem.'
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What is the term for the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in a line of poetry?
    • metaphor
    • alliteration  ✓
    • simile
    • rhyme
  • Select the common features of a poem.
    • stanzas  ✓
    • subheadings
    • rhyme scheme  ✓
    • repetition  ✓
    • factual information
  • Match the text type with the language used.
    • fiction text
      descriptive language often including dialogue ✓
    • non-fiction text
      informative and objective language ✓
    • Poetry
      vivid and descriptive language often including rhyme ✓