Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • the young girl looked through her telescope
    • the young girl looked through her telescope.
    • The young girl looked through her telescope
    • The young girl looked through her telescope.  ✓
  • 'The excited, determined girl' is an example of which of these?
    • a fronted adverbial
    • a subordinate clause
    • an expanded noun phrase  ✓
    • an adjective
  • Match the word class to its example.
    • verb
      glimpsed ✓
    • adverb
      slowly ✓
    • adjective
      barren ✓
    • noun
      staircase ✓
  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • As the girl looked through her telescope her eyes widened in surprise.
    • As the girl looked through her telescope, her eyes widened in surprise.  ✓
    • As, the girl looked through her telescope her eyes widened in surprise.
    • As the girl looked through her telescope her eyes widened, in surprise.
  • A ______ sentence is formed of two main clauses joined with a co-ordinating conjunction.
    • 'compound' ✓
  • What must a clause contain?
    • an adverb
    • an adjective
    • a verb  ✓
    • a full stop