Starter quiz

  • What does building comprehension of a text mean?
    • re-reading it
    • summarising it
    • developing our understanding of it  ✓
  • What does retrieving key information mean?
    • finding words written in the text  ✓
    • drawing meaning from what is written in the text
    • sequencing the events in the story
  • What does inference mean?
    • predicting what may happen next
    • drawing conclusions from clues within the text  ✓
    • summarising the plot
  • Who are the main characters in the story of 'The Moon Dragons'?
    • the King  ✓
    • the villagers
    • the huntsmen
    • Alina  ✓
  • What does the King offer as a reward for finding the moon dragons?
    • a ride on the dragons
    • a room filled with gold  ✓
    • a job working for him
  • What did Alina do when she found the dragons?
    • told the king to get the reward
    • flew with the dragons
    • kept it a secret to protect the dragons  ✓