Starter quiz

  • Put the following moments in order to tell the beginning of Alina's story.
    • 1
      Alina grew up hearing stories about moon dragons and dreaming of them.
    • 2
      Alina said she would find the moon dragons.
    • 3
      Everyone laughed at Alina for thinking she could find the moon dragons.
    • 4
      Alina was unwavering in her belief that she would find the moon dragons.
  • Put the following moments in order to tell the rest of Alina's story.
    • 1
      Alina ventured up the mountains alone, feeling a connection to nature.
    • 2
      Alina slept inside a tree. She awoke to hear a variety of sounds.
    • 3
      Alina discovered the moon dragons and watched in awe, moving in sync with them.
    • 4
      Alina lied and said she had failed the quest in order to protect the dragons.
  • True or false? The King and Alina have the same motivations for finding the moon dragons.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What is a character trait?
    • the qualities that make a character who they are  ✓
    • the clothes a character wears
    • the words a character says
    • the actions a character takes
  • Which character in the story shows the most admirable character traits?
    • the King
    • the huntsman
    • the villagers
    • Alina  ✓
  • What comprehension strategy do we use to draw meaning from clues within the text?
    • retrieval
    • summarising
    • inference  ✓