Starter quiz

  • Who is the protagonist in 'The Moon Dragons'?
    • the King
    • Alina  ✓
    • the moon dragons
  • What character traits does Alina show in 'The Moon Dragons'?
    • fear
    • bravery  ✓
    • selfishness
    • greed
    • empathy  ✓
  • Order the following events from 'The Moon Dragons'.
    • 1
      The King received news that in the mountains there were ancient moon dragons.
    • 2
      The King instructed his huntsman to retrieve a moon dragon, but they failed.
    • 3
      The King offered a reward of gold to anyone who could find the moon dragons.
    • 4
      Alina said she would embark on the quest and was confident.
    • 5
      Alina pretended she’d failed the quest because she wanted to protect the dragons
  • True or false? 'The Moon Dragons' is a historical fiction text.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What is inference?
    • searching for clues within the text and the illustrations to draw conclusions  ✓
    • understanding exactly what the author is saying without having to think about it
    • guessing what might happen in the story
  • Match the words to their correct definitions.
    • retrieve
      to find information within the text ✓
    • skimming
      to read quickly ✓
    • scanning
      to search for something specific ✓